Hey everyone! First off, Happy New Year!
This is just a quick post to keep you guys up to date about our progress to date. Dracon Interactive is still working on the same projects as it has been for the previous 6 months or so, Hero Rising, Fatal Core and Eternal Ember. Hero Rising is still on a hiatus. It should be coming out of this within the next few months to resume development, depending on schedules. Fatal Core has finished its first build! Check out the trailer on youtube, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWgV4Y33seY. We are all really happy with how this turned out. However, as many of you know, this was made on a university schedule to university standards. The team has unanimously decided to start work on Fatal: ReCore, the sequel to Fatal Core. This will contain many more features, that we wished we had had time to include in the original version. This project will take longer than the original Fatal Core, but will be much better designed with the original Fatal Core experience in mind. Eternal Ember. Lots to say. Not all good. The backup corrupted, and all progress was lost when i synced the backup with the working tree. This is not to say work is ceasing on this! This is my absolute passion project, and while heart broken at the lost progress, I am once again beginning work on it. Its slow progress but its getting there. I will post some screenshots of the new work soon. Thats about all! I am trying to get payed work now that I am out of university, which is both difficult and time-consuming, but I am still working on these projects...if only as a stress reliever! Thank you for all of your support, Peter Carey
AuthorMy name is Peter Carey, and I founded Dracon Interactive. Archives
December 2019
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